G&G Party Pics

G&G at Discover ADAC

G&G traveled to Atlanta September 26–28, 2017, for Discover ADAC—an unparalleled celebration of design through unique presentations, book signings, panel discussions, and parties with top design talents and magazine editors held at the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center.

As part of the three-day event, G&G style director Haskell Harris sat down with Charlotte-based interior designer Barrie Benson for a discussion presented by Moattar, Ltd., on traditional and modern Southern design. Following the conversation, G&G partnered with LEE Industries to host a celebration of the grand reopening of Up Country Home’s showroom featuring live music, refreshments, and Southern fare.

Special thanks to:

Atlanta Decorative Arts Center
Moattar, Ltd.
LEE Industries

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G&G style director Haskell Harris and Charlotte-based interior designer Barrie Benson discuss Southern design and the fusion of traditional and modern ideas.

Photo: Ben Rose

Haskell Harris and Barrie Benson with Andrea Moattar of Moattar, Ltd.

Photo: Ben Rose

From left: Gen Sohr, Kate Miner, and Meghan Kelly.

Photo: Ben Rose

From left: Elizabeth Dooley, Avery Castellow, Kate Light, and Catherine Branstetter at Moattar, Ltd., for the occasion.

Photo: Ben Rose

From left: Jan Clausen, Haskell Harris, Matt Benson, Katie Minor, Barrie Benson, John Lineweaver, John Oetgen, Frances Schultz, and Chuck Chewning.

Photo: Ben Rose

LEE Industries’ Bondi Coley introduces G&G’s Haskell Harris.

Photo: Ben Rose

Design enthusiasts celebrate the grand reopening of the Up Country Home showroom hosted with LEE Industries.

Photo: Ben Rose

From left: Barrie Benson, Kate Miner, and Leslie Thompson.

Photo: Ben Rose

Discover ADAC attendees are given the opportunity to be among the first to experience the beautiful new Up Country Home showroom.

Photo: Ben Rose