Home & Garden

Decor at G&G: Decoys on Display

Workaday ducks fly in style with this idea from the magazine’s office

As you might imagine, the G&G staff is a creative bunch, and the inventive ideas extend beyond the page-making to our office in Charleston, South Carolina. There, the magazine comes to life in three-dimensional form. Case in point: the “flying” decoys recently on display in our editorial conference room during the annual Southeastern Wildlife Expo

photo: Margaret Houston

First came the planters, made by a local metalsmith to fit the two-hundred-year-old bricked-over windows from the original Cigar Factory, the shell of which our office now occupies. The room gets little-to-no light, so an evergreen, in this case the perennial mother-in-law’s tongue, brings the outside in. Above those, our team installed nearly forty retired decoys on loan from a generous hunter, hanging them from the ceiling in an homage to flushed ducks. The decoys were tied at different heights with fishing line, and a simple weight tied with the same filament on the back of each bird kept them from twisting and turning.  

photo: Margaret Houston

While most houses don’t have giant brick niches inside them, this idea is a fun one to riff on when a room needs some impact and a glimpse of the personality of the owner. It’s a great way to say “a sportsman lives here.”

Haskell Harris is the founding style director at Garden & Gun. She joined the title in 2008 and covers all things design-focused for the magazine. The House Romantic: Curating Memorable Interiors for a Meaningful Life is her first book. Follow @haskellharris on Instagram.