No, this isn’t an April Fools’ Day joke. It’s the middle of July, and the makers of the beloved Salisbury, North Carolina, soft drink Cheerwine really have teamed up with their fellow Piedmont North Carolinians at Krispy Kreme, based in Winston-Salem, to create a sugary hybrid of a soda that combines cherry-red Cheerwine with Krispy Kreme doughnut glaze flavoring.
It’s called Cheerwine Kreme, and it’s for sale now at many supermarkets in the Carolinas and Savannah, Georgia. (That includes Harris Teeter and Bi-Lo, but Food Lion, also based in Salisbury, is your safest bet if you’d like to sample a swig.) Inspired by a 2010 doughnut collaboration between Cheerwine and Krispy Kreme, it’s a mild, fizzy cherry-cream concoction that delivers on its sugary concept. Intrigued? You can also try it for free at Krispy Kreme locations in the Carolinas and Savannah on July 23. And now that Cheerwine and Krispy Kreme have bridged the forty-mile gap between their corporate headquarters, who’s to say which legendary Southern brands are next? We’d get excited about a Texas Pete and Duke’s team-up.