Abbie Byrom-Botello and chef Leonard Botello IV of Merritt Meat Co. and TRUTH BBQ.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

John Cone and Greg Fourticq, owners of Red Antler Bungalows in Round Top.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

The Scofflaw, composed of High Wire Revival Rye Whiskey, vermouth, lime, and Jack Rudy grenadine.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

Catherine Dority, Explore Charleston Vice President of Marketing, and Cynthia Morgan.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

The second course: smoked duck with Anson Mills parmesan grits, root vegetables, and duck jus.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

Kristal Blumenstock, Explore Charleston digital content creator, drinks Rose Gold rosé with dinner.
Photo: Julie Wilhite

King Street bourbon bread pudding with High Wire Jimmy Red Bourbon and Red Clay salted bourbon honey.
Photo: Julie Wilhite