This spring, the Braves have returned to Atlanta’s Truist Park, infusing the Battery with the sun-soaked enthusiasm of baseball season once more. This energy surely guides diners at the Garden & Gun Club to one of the restaurant’s most popular starters: chef Ann Kim’s classic boiled peanuts. “We’ve always had them on the menu,” Kim says, “but they seem to be having a real resurgence lately.”
While the salty delicacies are typically thought of as a ballpark snack, the chef encourages folks to give them a try at home. “I think people are intimidated by the prospect of making boiled peanuts themselves because of the sheer quantities we usually see,” she says. “When they’re in season from May to November, farm stands will sell raw green peanuts in these huge sacks, so it’s fair.” Adapted from Kim’s method at the Club, this scaled-down recipe aims to make the process more accessible to home cooks. And if you can’t find raw peanuts, don’t fret—the technique works just as well with grocery store varieties such as Hardy Farms. “The brand has these nice, plump peanuts that I love, plus they come pre-boiled, which makes the process extremely easy,” says Kim. “Just heat them up in a pot with your favorite seasonings.”