“My dear friend Linda Smith lives in Memphis, where she has the most wonderful farm filled with hummingbirds. This soup is one of hers. I often make myself a big batch and then eat it for lunch throughout the week; the flavors will deepen the longer it is left. It’s simple, delicious and endlessly versatile. I am always adding different things to it depending on my mood and the season—kale, Swiss chard or spinach, or even parsley (stems and all) are all great additions. And if I feel that I am really in need of something wholesome and reviving, I will pop in a few skinless chicken thighs too. By the time the soup is cooked the meat will be soft enough to eat with a spoon, and the bones will have added lots of flavor.” —Aaron Bertelsen

From Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots: Planting Advice & Recipes from Great Dixter by Aaron Bertelsen (Phaidon, 2020).