Chef Pat Pascarella’s cooking MO is to honor his Italian heritage with classic ingredients and the time-tested techniques he learned from his mother and grandmother. For this tart, Pascarella, the owner of Bastone in Atlanta, layers fresh tomatoes with a mixture of onions, shallots, and leeks; a couple of herbs; and that’s it. The key, he says, is to be patient as you caramelize the onions (maybe pour a nice Italian red while you tend to the pot). “The slow-cooking process releases tons of sweetness and allows the onions to counteract the butteriness of the pastry,” he says. With the tartness of the tomatoes and a finishing drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, it pulls together for a foolproof meal or snack.

Find other recipes for tarts—along with a recipe for a puff pastry that’s perfect for any tart.