Wheat flour, a bit of shortening, Mexican brown sugar, and milk. “It’s simple and tasty and good year-round,” says Mariana Barran de Goodall of this recipe for gorditas de azúcar, or sugar tortillas, in Garden & Gun’s December/January 2021 issue. Goodall, the founder of Hibiscus Linens in Houston; Amparo Fine Living in Birmingham, and Hotel Amparo in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico—where these sugar tortillas are a staple—also shared her recipes for shortbread-like hojarascas and cuernitos de azúcar, or Mexican wedding cookies. Making sugar tortillas formed “one of my funniest childhood memories,” Goodall says, “playing with flour, while making a long row of little dough balls before we pressed them. My brother and I would race each other to make the prettiest ones while we waited for the pan to get hot and for my mom to bring the cookie press out.” And if you don’t immediately wolf them down, Goodall says you can warm them back up in the oven, or by placing one over a cup of hot coffee.