
Good Dogs

Good Dogs

What you need to know before you train a gun dog

Good Dogs

Mike Stewart has turned the world of gun dog training upside down

Good Dog

And other tales of a faithful family dog

Good Dog

An alpha chef learns a few lessons from his alpha gun dog

50 Slideshow

Good Dogs

Some of our editors' all-time favorite Reader Good Dog photos

Good Dog

Sometimes nuptials involve a merging of the packs

Good Dog

Some dogs, while good at heart, are destined for trouble

Good Dog

A true story of a lovable Lab that ate everything

Good Dog

How to apply gun-dog training methods to your children

Good Dog

He drooled, smelled bad, and had no manners whatsoever. But I loved him

Good Dog

An eager hunter known for chasing squirrels, climbing trees, and catching Faulkner’s eye

Good Dog

One man’s lifelong quest to get it right