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Good Dogs

Some of our editors' all-time favorite Reader Good Dog photos

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Grabbing dinner takes on a whole new meaning


A late-night adventure in Louisiana gives the phrase a whole new meaning

Good Dog

Sometimes nuptials involve a merging of the packs


Hunt in history’s footsteps at North Carolina’s Webb Farm

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Hailing from the mountains of Japan, tenkara finds a home in the South

Sporting Scene

Hailing from Japan, tenkara finds a home in the South

Arts & Culture

Paul Redfern disappeared more than ninety years ago. His fate remains a mystery


Steve Huff has spent a lifetime putting clients on the fish of their dreams. And he’s not stopping anytime soon

The G&G Interview

Catching up with a giant of horse racing, all five foot five of him

Sporting Scene

A group of Atlanta-area players gives the sport of kings an egalitarian makeover

Good Dog

Some dogs, while good at heart, are destined for trouble


A conversation with Ducks Unlimited’s new alpha drake

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Excerpts and photos from the book Hemingway’s Guns: The Sporting Arms of Ernest Hemingway, by Silvio Calabi, Steve Helsley, and Roger Sanger

Land & Conservation

When oil started flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, a handful of volunteers sprang into action in an attempt to save the Kemp’s ridley, the most imperiled sea turtle in the world. This is their story.

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The oldest son of Texas troubadour Townes Van Zandt casts his luck with the perfect flats boat


Looking to joust with a silver king this summer? For the best tarpon action off the beaten path, check out these hot spots


The Black Belt of Alabama is known for its history, its soil, and its poverty. But it should also be known for its bird hunting


More than sixty years ago, the South’s most famous shotgun went missing. Here’s the story of how it was found

Good Dog

A true story of a lovable Lab that ate everything