Q: When are entries due?
A: All entries are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Monday, June 17, 2024.
Q: If my product is designed in the South but assembled elsewhere, can I still enter?
A: No. To qualify for the awards, your product must be physically put together in the South.
Q: Which states do you consider part of the South?
A: We will happily accept entries from the following: AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, and Washington, D.C.
Q: Do I need to mail in my physical product?
A: Please do not mail in your product during the first round of judging. The first round of judging will be based on the entry form, photos, and staff research. If you are chosen as a semifinalist, we will reach out to you with instructions on when and where to mail in your product.
Q: My company has been covered by G&G in the past; can I still enter?
A: As long as the specific product you are entering has not been featured in the print magazine, we would invite you to enter.
Q: Should I enter my company as a whole or a specific product?
A: We ask that you narrow your entry to a specific product or a closely related group of products. (For example: a box set of hot sauces, a specific line of textiles, or a cohesive jewelry collection.)
Q: Can I enter more than once?
A: Yes. If you would like to submit unrelated products, you may enter two or more applications.
Q: What category should I enter?
A: See our category descriptions to choose the appropriate category.
Q: Do I have to submit twice to qualify for the Sustainability Award?
A: No. Enter the category that is appropriate for your product. On that application, you will have the opportunity to tell us about your company’s sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. The Sustainability Award will go to a single maker or small business and will be chosen from across all categories.
Q: Can I submit my application by mail?
A: No. To ensure that every application arrives safely and receives equal attention, we ask that all be submitted digitally.
Q: How do I know if my application was processed successfully?
A: You will receive a confirmation email letting you know that your application went through. If you do not receive an email, please let us know at mis@gardenandgun.com.
Q: What is the entry fee?
A: There is an entry fee of $75. To take advantage of the $50 discounted rate, apply by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Q: How can I pay?
A: We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
Q: My photos are not uploading correctly; what should I do?
A: First, make sure that each photo you are attempting to upload is 20MB or less. (Note: iPhone photos are usually smaller than 20MB, but you’ll still want to check each file size. Photos from a standard point-and-shoot digital camera, however, are often larger and will need to be resized on your computer before submitting.) Second, the problem may be with your web browser. For example: If you are using Safari, try using the most current version of Google Chrome or Firefox instead—and vice versa. If the problem persists, email us at mis@gardenandgun.com.
Q: Can visual artists submit their work?
A: Unfortunately, visual artists such as painters, sculptors, and photographers do not qualify for the awards. However, we are always excited to discover new Southern talent, so feel free to email us at editorial@gardenandgun.com.
Q: Can I submit raw food?
A: While we do accept items like meat and honey, we cannot accept raw fruits, vegetables, or other crops and produce, but please email us at editorial@gardenandgun.com if you’re a grower with a story to tell.
Q: When will I be notified if my product is being considered as a finalist?
A: All entrants will be notified about their status by the middle of October 2024.
Q: When will the final winners be announced to the public?
A: Winners and runners-up will appear in our December 2024/January 2025 issue.
Have a question not answered here? Email us at mis@gardenandgun.com.