Galganski has taken the official drink of the Kentucky Derby and given it a splash of summer. With a good bourbon and rum, his version is sure to soften even the least favorable bets on Derby day.
A Royal Line Mint Julep
Galganski has taken the official drink of the Kentucky Derby and given it a splash of summer. With a good bourbon and rum, his version is sure to soften even the least favorable bets on Derby day.

1½ oz. bourbon (Woodford Reserve preferred)
½ oz. pineapple rum (Plantation Stiggins’ Fancy Pineapple preferred)
¼ oz. Maraschino liqueur (Galganski uses Maraska and “fat-washes” it in coconut oil 24 hours in advance)
½ oz. simple syrup (Galganski uses a homemade grilled pineapple lemon oleo)
6 mint leaves
In a julep cup, gently press mint leaves, fill halfway with crushed ice, add remaining ingredients, swizzle, and top with crushed ice. Garnish with mint sprigs, powdered sugar, and a lemon wheel.