Pineland Farm is a private spread of several thousand acres near the Santee lakes of South Carolina.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
A hunting dog on the trail of wild quail.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Two pointers lock up on a scent trail.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
From left, Toddy Smith, Edwin Cooper III, and Mac Stidham prepare to let the bird dogs loose.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Quail hunting at Pineland is done on horseback.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Horse handler Ervin Smith prepares for a day afield.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Stidham, left, and Cooper III on the hunt.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Horseback is the best way to get around Pineland.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
A hunting dog points in the direction of the quail.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Stidham, left, and Cooper III take the shot.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Smith greets a hunting dog.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
The farm is home to some of the finest bird dogs in the South.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Retired collars and bridles.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Jack, a pointer, leads the hunters down the trail.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards
Smith, Cooper, and Stidham swap stories after a successful day.
Photo: Peter Frank Edwards