Home & Garden
Interior designer Tate Reynolds invites you to shop his studio
The beloved boutique label gets a second wind on Antigua
These cozy neighborhood spots provide warm welcomes and unique wines
Our Kind of Place
Spring Street Cigars fuels just the right blend of camaraderie and solitude
Not quite antique stores, and more elevated than flea markets, the region’s gothic emporiums embrace the unusual—and a dash of the dark arts
At Beth Buccini’s boutiques in Nashville and Miami, the former style editor curates outfits to remember
These small-town mercantiles offer up an extra scoop of nostalgia along with sugar, milk, the occasional cast-iron skillet or pallet of lumber—and everything in between
Home & Garden
The lauded event designer Blake Sams debuts his first retail venture
With gallery hops, restaurants serving familiar flavors, and delightful, creative shops, Helen Ellis’s favorite Big Apple experiences are rich with the comfort of the South
Home & Garden
Keith Smythe Meacham and the late Julia Reed’s charming boutique sets up shop in West Nashville
Arts & Culture
Plott Hound Books is the place to find thoughtfully curated reads—and advice on where to eat while you turn the pages
Arts & Culture
Local and regional artisans shine at Still Johnson
Back on tour, a Nashville author discovers that bookshops around the South are writing intriguing new chapters
For help planting a paradise at home, go where the wild things grow
At Boone’s Antiques in North Carolina, brown furniture never goes out of vogue
A pioneering name in fine spirits launches a new chapter in Birmingham
Divided into two jewel box-sized spaces called Hunt and Gather, Fieldshop reimagines the high-end specialty shops of old.
Eight of the best shops in the South and beyond for the bird-gun enthusiast