
Land & Conservation

A man stands in a cave

Champions of Conservation

From sun-brightened streams to dark, dank caves, an ichthy-obsessed biologist tenaciously protects the South’s aquatic life

Two people sit in a canoe

Champions of Conservation

A married duo help keep Arkansas rivers and streams flowing free and clear

A man holds a salamander

Champions of Conservation

A blueprint for how private timberland owners can save threatened Southern species comes courtesy of a Mississippi forester

A portrait of a woman behind pink plexiglass coral

Champions of Conservation

A ceramist and educator’s interactive coral reefs put the dire straits of Florida’s waters into relief

A man walks through a marsh

Champions of Conservation

Harnessing passion for the ocean’s fisheries into powerful action is all in a day’s work for this Chesapeake guide

An illustration of a sphere with different insects on it. The sphere has textured nature-themed puzzle pieces.

Land & Conservation

Louisiana black bears, Alabama cave shrimp, Appalachian spruce-fir forests, Chesapeake false albacore, Keys coral reefs—these and hundreds of other precarious Southern species and ecosystems rely on the heroic efforts of this year’s lineup of groundbreaking scientists, advocates, and nature lovers

Land & Conservation

Meet Chia, an endangered Kemp’s ridley who became entangled and injured off the coast of Charleston but just keeps swimming

A panther with kittens

Land & Conservation

Cattle ranchers are joining forces with conservation groups to support the big cat’s comeback

A beach with a shark in the water

Land & Conservation

What to know about the marine predators’ interactions with humans—plus beach safety tips

An illustration of a woman gardening with a botanical figure of a woman behind her

This Land

A grandmother’s gift sparks a curiosity now fed by an urban botanical wonderland in Atlanta

A foal receiving help on a boat.

Land & Conservation

Thanks to a tight-knit community’s rescue efforts, the once-feral youngster has a bright future 

oak trees in Savannah

Land & Conservation

Climate change and traffic are shortening the lives of the city’s iconic trees, but some are finding new life

An Eastern Glass Lizard

Land & Conservation

Are you sure that slithering reptile in your yard is a snake?

Shark teeth scattered across the palm of a hand

Land & Conservation

Southern beaches offer everything from ancient megalodon fossils to the chompers of present-day predators like bull sharks. Plus, why do so many shark teeth wash up on beaches?

A collage of six snake photos


Test your knowledge on these commonly encountered species

Crystal River, Florida


Crystal-clear waters provide a welcome respite from the blazing sun

A gator in a swamp

Land & Conservation

Your vehicle is your best blind, don’t feed the gators, and other tips for getting the most out of a visit to the wild

An alligator lays on a tree limb on the water

Land & Conservation

“We came around a curve, and all we could see were heads in the water”

A Florida panther runs in grass

Land & Conservation

The task of attaching a tracking collar to a hundred-plus-pound carnivore involves hounds, portable cushions, and sometimes one brave tree climber

A man stands in a field with binoculars

Land & Conservation

Ornithologist and eBird co-founder John Fitzpatrick has created a blueprint for how a development can be mutually beneficial to people and wildlife