
The Wild South

Articles by T. Edward Nickens

The Wild South

Handy blades for the woods, water, kitchen, and pocket

The Wild South

Dying manatees, red tide, washed-up fish—the Sunshine State is at a tipping point

The Wild South

What should you do with orange peels, sandwich scraps, and the like when you’re out on the boat? Our Wild South columnist weighs in

The Wild South

Upgrade your arsenal with these innovative offerings from Southern-based brands making waves in the fly-fishing world

The Wild South

Though still rare as hen’s teeth, hand-carved wooden turkey decoys might just be ready for their moment

The Wild South

Nothing against the traditional roast, but while the oyster-getting is good, fire up the grill

The Wild South

Nothing against the traditional roast, but while the oyster-getting is good, fire up the grill

The Wild South

From a Texas chef’s inspiring guide to a 1903 French tome, these five cookbooks will help make the most of the contents of your game freezer

The Wild South

For many Southern duck hunters, this season has been full of empty skies


These innovative items—for him and for her—bring convenience and a bit of style to outdoor adventures

The Wild South

Sim Whatley, the founder of Duck Camp, shares a post-hunt Louisiana duck club tradition

The Wild South

Whether for dove, ducks, geese, or quail, these five knives are proven winners for bird hunters

The Wild South

A fundraising auction for the North Florida-based conservation group Tall Timbers offers up a wealth of Southern experiences—and one gorgeous quail gun

The Wild South

A few surefire tips to make the most of the opener—or any day in a dove field this season

The Wild South

Practice makes perfect, but sometimes we could all use a few pointers. A virtual lesson from the casting experts at Orvis can do wonders

The Wild South

Clear out the freezer and enjoy a tender, perfectly cooked venison steak every time

The Wild South

A new line of high-tech motorized craft from Old Town takes the fuss out of kayak fishing

The Wild South

Whether in the dove field, on the boat, or at camp, these gifts make life outdoors a little sweeter

The Wild South

Sometimes you just can’t improve on an original. These heritage Southern Appalachian flies have stood the test of time

The Wild South

Flounder populations are in trouble around the South. A new program in Alabama aims to help turn the tide