
Mississippi River Adventures

Head down one of America's most iconic waterways
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A lunaresque scene on Island 78.

A lunaresque scene on Island 78.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

River outfitter and expert paddler John Ruskey.

River outfitter and expert paddler John Ruskey.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

One of Ruskey’s handmade canoes.

One of Ruskey’s handmade canoes.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

Warming up by the fire.

Warming up by the fire.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

The author enjoys an evening sip.

The author enjoys an evening sip.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

Stew-bound vegetables at dinnertime.

Stew-bound vegetables at dinnertime.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

The canoes awaiting adventure.

The canoes awaiting adventure.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

A crew of paddlers prepare to take out.

A crew of paddlers prepare to take out.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

Ruskey’s signature move.

Ruskey’s signature move.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

A makeshift dryer for water boots.

A makeshift dryer for water boots.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

Fellow canoeists on break.

Fellow canoeists on break.

Photo: Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Part of the feast: mushrooms and cabbage.

Part of the feast: mushrooms and cabbage.

Ben Gately Williams

Water boiling on the fire.

Water boiling on the fire.

Ben Gately Williams

An evening fire for warmth.

An evening fire for warmth.

Ben Gately Williams

Ruskey illuminates his dinner.

Ruskey illuminates his dinner.

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

The campground.

The campground.

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Adventureers take on the Lower Mississippi.

Adventureers take on the Lower Mississippi.

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

Ben Gately Williams

A canoe ready for launch.

A canoe ready for launch.

Ben Gately Williams

Ruskey of Ruskey's Quapaw Canoe Company sits aboard one of his creations.

Ruskey of Ruskey’s Quapaw Canoe Company sits aboard one of his creations.

Ben Gately Williams