

A covey of birds breaks for the sky from yellow grass

Sporting Scene

Keys to turning storm damage into an opportunity for the bird population

A close-up image of a quail's head.

Land & Conservation

Now approved by the FDA, a Texas scientist’s parasite-fighting feed could be a game changer for the South’s beloved game bird

A white dog points in a field


In the famed Alabama region, a rich tradition of quail hunting and dog work is enjoying a hard-won revival


A hunter journeys to the famed Red Hills in pursuit of the storied bobwhite, those doing everything they can to bring it back, and his own family’s legacy


Wheel through time in these vintage Red Hills quail wagons

Land & Conservation

The East Foundation is on the cutting edge of studying how working landscapes can work for people, cattle, quail, and wildlife of all stripes

The Wild South

A few thoughts on tradition versus science versus ethics in the quail woods

Sporting Scene

Making a difference for wild quail has never been easier

Food & Drink

Chef Nicolas Lebas upgrades the fall bird with cornflakes, an apple slaw stuffing, and a red bell pepper glaze


From hardscrabble roots, a onetime farmer creates his quail woods dreams in North Carolina, where good dogs and great friends make memories that stretch beyond the field

Food & Drink

How a Texas couple fries fall’s favorite bird

Southern Heroes

The Texan is helping bring back the bobwhite, icon of Southern game birds


When the Rollins family isn’t overseeing a vast business empire and philanthropic foundations, you’ll find them among the Old Florida live oaks and cabbage palms of Blue Cypress Ranch, where the bobwhite is king—and a kennel of American-bred British Labrador retrievers is turning heads in the dog world


An English designer looks to the Southwest Georgia quail set for her new apparel line

Food & Drink

A Mediterranean take on the South’s favorite game bird

Hurricane Michael

After slamming into the Gulf Coast, Michael set its sights on some of the South’s most cherished pine forests

Ask G&G

Aerial maneuvers, Delaware claims, and football rivalry niceties


Few things top a great day in the field with good friends, fine bird dogs, and plenty of quail. A photographer captures the beauty and joy of a Southern tradition

8 Slideshow


Step into the field for a photographic ode to good times, great dogs, and the joy of a Southern quail hunt

Sporting South

When quail season winds down, an elite group of handlers who keep the bird dogs on point in the famed Red Hills hold a friendly competition to see who has the top dog