The Ice Plant in St. Augustine, Florida, comes by its name honestly. Nearly a century ago, the building was a factory where workers created ice for the local seafood industry. “We’ve kept the building very historic,” says bartender Zach Lynch. “We still have the bridge crane that held the ice and all of the old pans.” Another nod to the past in the re-purposed space: the ice machine, which turns out three-hundred-pound blocks that bartenders chisel into a variety of different frozen shapes. For the Grapefruit Collins (recipe below), a bitter and refreshing cooler, Lynch prefers pebble ice.
Grapefruit Collins
A bitter and refreshing cooler from St. Augustine, Florida

2 oz. Haymans Royal Dock Gin
1/2 oz. grapefruit juice
1/2 oz. lemon juice
1/2 oz. simple syrup
5 drops Bittermens Hopped Grapefruit Bitters
Soda water
Shake all ingredients except for soda water, strain over pebble ice, and top with soda. Garnish with a sliver of grapefruit peel.
Cocktail recipe by Zach Lynch of the Ice Plant in St. Augustine, Florida.